Claves de configuración opcionales
Valores por defecto (si se deja la página vacía).
* Información del conector de la base de datos
$wv_conf['db_conn']['db_host'] = "localhost"; //Nombre de host o IP
$wv_conf['db_conn']['db_name'] = "example_db"; //Base de datos
$wv_conf['db_conn']['db_user'] = "example_user"; //Usuario
//La contraseña puede ir o no cifrada
$wv_conf['db_conn']['db_passl'] = "YBbEQfHAWSB5X2WETRVXZWCGVH26AYA5NRKoaZbeTPAxAlt3N4d0q"; //Cifrada $wv_conf['db_conn']['db_pass'] = "mypassword"; //Texto plano
$wv_conf['db_conn']['pdo_no_err'] = false; //true to disable PDO errors
* Los valores ['key']['clave'] = 'valor', se pueden sobreescribir desde
* el panel de claves creando un valor: cat = def, key = clave.
* Los valores ['wv']['clave'] no se pueden reescribir desde el
* panel de claves, únicamente en ejecución sobreescribiendo el
* array $wv->conf['wv']['clave'].
* Los valores ['db_conn']['clave'] son para el conector de la base de datos.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Values in ['key']['def']['key'] = 'value' format, can be
* overwritten from the configuration key panel creating a key:
* cat = def, key = key.
* Values in ['wv']['key'] = 'value', cannot be rewritten from the configuration
* key panel, only in execution by overwriting the array $wv->conf['wv']['key'].
* Values in ['db_conn'] are for DB connect.
* Values in ['redir'] are for old page redirection
* Values in ['cache'] are for page cache parameters
* Values in ['dbn'] are database names
* Values in ['fif'] are "Framework Infrastructure Files" rewriting
* Values in ['release'] determines WEBvivo release history
* Values in ['benchmark'] are used to measure WEBvivo speed
* Values in ['class_load'] are for automatic class loading
* Values in ['dataset'] are for store data like mime or domain extensions
* Values in ['class_method_alias'] are for searching core methods inside stated
* classses
* The values ['fif'] (Framework Infrastructure Files) are for rewriting the
* default file IDs of the framework error, login, logout and noacc
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//Optional default language iso code [es]
$wv_conf['key']['def']['lang'] = 'es'; //Host to link Access manager to recover lost password
$wv_conf['key']['def']['accman_host'] = '';
//Email used as return receipt and email validation
$wv_conf['key']['def']['email_return'] = '';
//Email used to send notifications
$wv_conf['key']['def']['email_notify'] = '';
//TRUE to get text from default language if text for current language is empty
$wv_conf['key']['def']['use_def_lang'] = true;
* Default configuration keywords available only as array in conf_framework
$wv_conf['wv']['panel_disable'] = false; //Timezone [Europe/Madrid]
$wv_conf['wv']['default_time_zone'] = 'Europe/Madrid';
//Keep history of data (do not delete) on EAV
$wv_conf['wv']['eav_keep_history'] = true;
//Allow múltiple selections on EAV element panel options
$wv_conf['wv']['eav_element_options_multiple'] = true; //Panel menus enabled by default
$wv_conf['wv']['panel_menu_usr'] = true;
$wv_conf['wv']['panel_menu_txt'] = true;
$wv_conf['wv']['panel_menu_cnf'] = true;
$wv_conf['wv']['panel_menu_eav'] = true;
//To disable a panel set it to null
$wv_conf['wv']['panels']['entities'] = null;
$wv_conf['wv']['panels']['home'] = null;
$wv_conf['wv']['panels']['conf_keys'] = null;
$wv_conf['wv']['panels']['conf_lang'] = null;
$wv_conf['wv']['panels']['conf_pages'] = null;
$wv_conf['wv']['panels']['conf_updater'] = null;
$wv_conf['wv']['panels']['conf_vpages'] = null;
$wv_conf['wv']['panels']['conf_wv'] = null;
$wv_conf['wv']['panels']['console'] = null;
$wv_conf['wv']['panels']['eav_attributes'] = null;
$wv_conf['wv']['panels']['eav_elements'] = null;
$wv_conf['wv']['panels']['eav_selectors'] = null;
$wv_conf['wv']['panels']['images'] = null;
$wv_conf['wv']['panels']['text'] = null;
$wv_conf['wv']['panels']['textport'] = null;
$wv_conf['wv']['panels']['users'] = null;
//User can change their username
$wv_conf['wv']['username_change'] = false;
* X-Frame-Options header options:
* ANY = Allow frames.
* SAMEORIGIN = Allow own domain frames.
* DENY = DENY frames.
* Any other value = No X-Frame-Options header sent (allow frames)
$wv_conf['wv']['browser_allow_frame'] = 'DENY';
//Set Content-Type, default UTF-8.
$wv_conf['wv']['header_charset'] = false;
//Browser cache-control header in minutes (0 = no-cache)
$wv_conf['wv']['browser_cache_offset'] = 0;
//Browser default GMT time zone offset for headers
$wv_conf['wv']['browser_default_time'] = true;
//TRUE to enable virtual pages
$wv_conf['wv']['enable_virtual'] = true;
//Login bruteforce parameters
$wv_conf['wv']['bruteforce_disabled'] = false;
$wv_conf['wv']['login_max_attemps'] = 10;
$wv_conf['wv']['login_max_attemps_total'] = 100;
$wv_conf['wv']['block_time'] = 12;
$wv_conf['wv']['block_time_total'] = 1440;
//true to save an encrypted plain copy of passwords
$wv_conf['wv']['rawpwd'] = true;
//True to disable cascade permissions
$wv_conf['wv']['avoid_cascade_permissions'] = false;
* encrypt hash is taken, in this order, from:
* 1 - {censored}
* 2 - ['wv']['crypt_hash'] (a direct 32 char encryption hash)
* 3 - ['wv']['crypt_pass'] (will generate hash from this text using {censored})
* 4 - Framework uniqID on $wv->uniqID (will be md5'ed)
* Any value below 32 chars on this point {censored}
* NOTE: uniqID is formed by {censored}
//Default encryption hash
$wv_conf['wv']['crypt_pass'] = 'enunlugardelamanchadecuyonombrenoquieroacordarme';
//Enable HTMLPurifier library
$wv_conf['wv']['init_purifier'] = true;
//Enable Redis support
$wv_conf['wv']['init_redis'] = true;
//Disable arraySend Redis use (use DB instead)
$wv_conf['wv']['disable_arraysend_redis'] = false;
//Array with list of allowed cron hosts and IPs
$wv_conf['wv']['allowed_hosts'] = [''];
//Array list of user IDs to be blocked for deletion
//To assign array list dynamically this parameter must be placed in conf_project
$wv_conf['wv']['panel_usr_blk'] = [1,7];
//Redir to domain without www
$wv_conf['wv']['no_www'] = false;
* Parámetros para los estilos del breadcrumb
* bootstrap (por defecto)
* unify
* custom
$wv_conf['wv']['breadcrumb_set'] = 'bootstrap';
//Separador para las opciones unify y custom (por defecto /)
$wv_conf['wv']['breadcrumb_separator'] = '/';
//Clases para la opción custom (no funciona con las otras)
$wv_conf['wv']['breadcrumb_ul'] = 'u-list-inline';
$wv_conf['wv']['breadcrumb_li'] = 'list-inline-item g-mr-7';
$wv_conf['wv']['breadcrumb_lia'] = 'list-inline-item g-color-primary';
$wv_conf['wv']['breadcrumb_a'] = 'u-link-v5 g-color-main';
$wv_conf['wv']['breadcrumb_separator_class'] = 'g-color-gray-light-v2 g-ml-5';
* Parámetros para integración del gestor de contraseñas
//Margen superior en px o %
//$wv_conf['key']['def']['accman_top_spacing'] = '170px';
//Margen izquierdo en px o %
//$wv_conf['key']['def']['accman_left_spacing'] = '10%';
//Margen derecho en px o %
//$wv_conf['key']['def']['accman_right_spacing'] = '10%';
//Incluir menú lateral
$wv_conf['key']['def']['accman_left_menu'] = false;
//Archivo del menú lateral
$wv_conf['key']['def']['accman_left_menu_file'] = "php/xnet-menu.php";
//True para indicar que el sitio tiene páginas distintas generadas dinámicamente según el user-agent
$wv_conf['wv']['header_vary_ua'] = false;
//Inicia clases por defecto en páginas NH (No Headers)
$wv_conf['wv']['nh_initclass_by_default'] = true;
* This conf parameter should be invoked from index page before the loader
* If called from here, framework will fail to load.
* Directory name for local conf (_conf by default):
* $wv_conf['paths']['conf'] = '_conf';
* El array class_method_alias permite llamar a cualquier función de una
* clase externa como si fuera parte de la clase principal de WEBvivo.
* Por ejemplo, esto: $wv->eav->getElementOptions(1000));
* Funcionaría igual que esto: $wv->getElementOptions(1000));
* Si se carga la clase eav en class_method_alias
* Hay que tener cuidado de no añadir una clase con métodos con nombres
* repetidos en otra instanciada o en la clase core, porque no funcionaría.
* WEBvivo no tiene ningún nombre de función repetido en ninguna clase.
$wv_conf['class_method_alias'][] = "back";
$wv_conf['class_method_alias'][] = "panel";
$wv_conf['class_method_alias'][] = "auth";
$wv_conf['class_method_alias'][] = "products";
$wv_conf['class_method_alias'][] = "shop";
* Load framework classes
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Load project classes
$wv_conf['class_load']['test'] = [];
//al cargar desde conf_framework hay que añadir esto si es una clase local
$wv_conf['class_load']['test']['local_dir'] = true;
$wv_conf['class_load']['test']['file_name'] = "wv_test";
$wv_conf['class_load']['test']['file_path'] = $wv->dirWVLib;
$wv_conf['class_load']['test']['class_name'] = "test";
$wv_conf['class_load']['test']['class_parameters'] = $param_array;
$wv_conf['class_load']['test']['class_this'] = true;
* If only 1st line supplied "test" class will be loaded with default values
* ['file_name'] Default is "wv_.php
* ['file_path'] Default is $this->dirWVLib
* ['class_name'] Default is the same as parent value (key value)
* ['class_parameters']:
* Empty = No parameters suplied
* 'this' = Parent class $this as only parameter
* Any other array or var is supplied as only argument
//$wv_conf['class_load']['test'] = [];
//$wv_conf['class_load']['test']['class_this'] = true;
//$wv_conf['class_load']['test']['local_dir'] = true;
//$wv_conf['class_load']['test']['class_parameters'] = array("cac","ped","cul");
//$wv_conf['class_load']['redsys'] = [];
//SQL Search
$wv_conf['class_load']['sqlSearch'] = [];
//Image manipulation
$wv_conf['class_load']['img'] = [];
//EAV class
$wv_conf['class_load']['eav'] = [];
$wv_conf['class_load']['eav']['class_this'] = true;
//Auth class
$wv_conf['class_load']['auth'] = [];
$wv_conf['class_load']['auth']['class_this'] = true;
//Conversion of formats
$wv_conf['class_load']['conv'] = [];
$wv_conf['class_load']['conv']['class_this'] = true;
//File manipulation
$wv_conf['class_load']['file'] = [];
$wv_conf['class_load']['file']['class_this'] = true;
$wv_conf['class_load']['pager'] = [];
$wv_conf['class_load']['shop'] = [];
$wv_conf['class_load']['shop']['class_this'] = true;
//iv class
$wv_conf['class_load']['iv'] = [];
$wv_conf['class_load']['iv']['class_this'] = true;
$wv_conf['class_load']['iv']['local_dir'] = true;
//Valida hashes de contraseñas de ASP
$wv_conf['class_load']['aspwd'] = [];
$wv_conf['class_load']['aspwd']['local_dir'] = true;
$wv_conf['class_load']['validate'] = [];
$wv_conf['class_load']['validate']['class_this'] = true;
* Redirect 404 pages array
* domain/PAGE_NAME => page or URL to redirect to
$wv_conf['redir']['contacto.php'] = '';
$wv_conf['redir']['contactanos'] = '';
$wv_conf['redir']['about.html'] = 'acercade';
* selectForm class, default json db info
//$wv_conf['select_defaults']['selectors_data'] = '["wv_selectors","value","name"]';
* Bases de datos del proyecto
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_contactos'] = 'empresa_contactos';
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_clientes'] = 'empresa_clientes'; //Customer
* Cache files
* NOTE: Never use file cache on restricted access pages or forms!
* Cache file caches everything, take care to configure non cacheable
* pages, WebSites and pages groups.
* Ids below id 100 are not cacheables
//Enable file cache (true|false)
$wv_conf['cache']['enable'] = 0;
//Cache files expire time in seconds
$wv_conf['cache']['expire'] = '604800';
//Do not create different cache files for http and https
$wv_conf['cache']['disable_https_detection'] = true;
//Use table checksum to detect changes
$wv_conf['cache']['checksum_tables'] = ['db_customers'];
//IDs of cacheable pages.
//If defined, any page not included here will not be cached.
//IDs MUST be strings, use quotes.
$wv_conf['cache']['cacheable_ids'] = ['195','25'];
Valores por defecto (si se deja la página vacía).
* Default parameters
$wv_conf['key']['def']['lang'] = 'es'; //Optional default language iso code [es]
$wv_conf['key']['def']['default_time_zone'] = 'Europe/Madrid'; //Optional default Timezone [Europe/Madrid]
$wv_conf['key']['def']['accman_host'] = ''; //Host to link Access manager to recover lost password
$wv_conf['key']['def']['email_return'] = ''; // Email used as return receipt and email validation
$wv_conf['key']['def']['email_notify'] = ''; //Email used to send notifications
$wv_conf['key']['def']['utf8_disable'] = 0; //Set to true to disable UTF8 Content-Type header and MySQL UTF-8 tables.
$wv_conf['key']['def']['force_ISO-8859-1'] = 0; //Set to true to force the ISO-8859-1 charset header. utf8_disable must be true.
$wv_conf['key']['def']['panel_disable'] = 0; //Set to true to disable MAWI control panel
$wv_conf['key']['def']['panel_menu_disable'] = 0; //Set to true to disable MAWI control panel default menu
$wv_conf['key']['def']['global_get'] = 1; //Capture and filter all GET vars
$wv_conf['key']['def']['global_post'] = 1; //Capture and filter all POST vars
$wv_conf['key']['def']['browser_allow_frame'] = 0; //ANY = Allow frames. SAMEORIGIN = Allow frames for the same domain. Any other value = DENY frames.
$wv_conf['key']['def']['browser_cache_offset'] = 0; //Browser cache-control header in minutes (0 = no-cache)
$wv_conf['key']['def']['browser_default_time'] = 1; //Browser default GMT time zone offset for headers
$wv_conf['key']['def']['use_def_lang'] = 0; //true to get text from default language if text for current language is empty
$wv_conf['key']['def']['release'] = $__r; //Default version release
* Cache files
* NOTE: Never use file cache on restricted access pages or forms!
* Cache file caches everything, take care to configure non cacheable
* pages, WebSites and pages groups
$wv_conf['cache']['enable'] = 0; //Enable file cache (true|false)
$wv_conf['cache']['dir'] = '_cache'; //Default is '_cache' and must by 777 permissions
$wv_conf['cache']['expire'] = 86400; //Cache files expire time in seconds
//Cookies used to modify how the pages are showed to users
//This cookies force a new file cache for every page
$wv_conf['cache']['cacheable_cookies'] = array();
//IDs of non cacheable pages. Ids from 1 to 5 are not cacheables
$wv_conf['cache']['non_cacheable_ids'] = array();
//URI queries that disable page cache.
//This values are used to change page aspect in some way
$wv_conf['cache']['non_cacheable_queries'] = array();
//Cache will be disabled to pages belonging to the WebSite ID on this array
$wv_conf['cache']['non_cacheable_ws'] = array();
//Cache will be disabled to pages belonging to the group ID on this array
$wv_conf['cache']['non_cacheable_groups'] = array();
* Databases names used by framework
//Page and file management
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_files'] = 'wv_files'; //Main web pages and associated files
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_files_fqdn'] = 'wv_files_fqdn'; //Domain names managed by MAWI
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_files_groups_names'] = 'wv_files_groups_names'; //Categories of files
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_files_groups_to_files'] = ' wv_files_groups_to_files'; //Files to groups relationship
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_files_path'] = 'wv_files_path'; //Path directories of code pages
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_files_template'] = 'wv_files_template'; //Templates to create new empty file
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_files_texts'] = 'wv_files_texts'; //Tittles and META text of every page
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_files_virtual'] = 'wv_files_virtual'; //Virtual URLs
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_files_ws'] = 'wv_files_ws'; //Squeleton and home page of every website
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_text_blocks'] = 'wv_text_blocks'; //DB con los bloques de texto para contenidos
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_text_files'] = 'wv_text_files'; //DB con todos los id de páginas de cada texto
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_text_groups'] = 'wv_text_groups';
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_text_groups_to_key'] = 'wv_text_groups_to_key';
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_text_keywords'] = 'wv_text_keywords'; //DB con todos las claves de los textos
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_text_texts'] = 'wv_text_texts'; //DB con los textos de cada idioma para cada clave
//user management
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_users'] = 'wv_users'; //DB de usuarios
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_users_attr'] = 'wv_users_attrib'; //DB de atributos de usuarios
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_users_bruteforce'] = 'wv_users_bruteforce'; //DB para evitar ataques de fuerza bruta
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_users_ent'] = 'wv_users_entity'; //DB de entidades de usuarios
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_users_grp'] = 'wv_users_group'; //DB de grupos de usuario
//general configuration
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_conf'] = 'wv_conf'; //DB de configuración
//Regional configuration
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_ip2c'] = 'wv_ip2c'; //DB con rangos de IPs por países
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_country_codes'] = 'wv_country_codes'; //List of country ISO3166 and ISO4217 codes
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_country_names'] = 'wv_country_names'; //List of country names
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_currency'] = 'wv_currency'; //ISO 4217 number, code and name
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_lang'] = 'wv_lang'; //Lang iso to name in various languages
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_lang_family'] = 'wv_lang_family'; //ISO 639 to language family name and wikipedia links
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_lang_names'] = 'wv_lang_names'; //ISO 639 to language names and wikipedia links
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_rir_zones'] = 'wv_rir_zones'; //DB con listado de zonas RIR de cada país
//Sessions manager
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_sessions'] = 'wv_sessions'; //DB de sesiones
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_sessions_bots'] = 'wv_sessions_bots'; //Rangos de IPs de bots conocidos
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_sessions_cookies'] = 'wv_sessions_cookies'; //DB para registro de sesiones
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_sessions_knowips'] = 'wv_sessions_knowips'; //DB de IPs estáticas conocidas
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_sessions_tmp'] = 'wv_sessions_tmp'; //DB temporal para generar listados de sesiones
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_sessions_whois'] = 'wv_sessions_whois'; //DB de propietarios en el whois por rango de IPs
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_sessions_whois_tmp'] = 'wv_sessions_whois_tmp'; //DB temporal para calcular el whois en el cron
//Form management
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_form'] = 'wv_form'; //DB para formularios
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_form_hash'] = 'wv_form_hash'; //DB para el hash de formularios
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_log_error'] = 'wv_log_error'; //DB Logging error 404 pages
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_banner_banners'] = 'wv_banner_banners'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_banner_zones'] = 'wv_banner_zones'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_banner_advertisers'] = 'wv_banner_advertisers'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_banner_advertiser2user'] = 'wv_banner_advertiser2user'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_banner_campaings'] = 'wv_banner_campaings'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_banner_banners_to_links'] = 'wv_banner_banners_to_links'; //
//Banners tracking
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_tracking_link'] = 'wv_tracking_link'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_tracking_img'] = 'wv_tracking_img'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_tracking_log_link'] = 'wv_tracking_log_link'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_tracking_log_img'] = 'wv_tracking_log_img'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_tracking_stat_link'] = 'wv_tracking_stat_link'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_tracking_stat_img'] = 'wv_tracking_stat_img'; //
//Img tracking
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_tracking'] = 'wv_tracking'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_tracking_log'] = 'wv_tracking_log'; //
//Contact manager
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_contact_attr'] = 'wv_contact_attr'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_contact_attr_data'] = 'wv_contact_attr_data'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_contact_auth'] = 'wv_contact_auth'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_contact_country'] = 'wv_contact_country'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_contact_data'] = 'wv_contact_data'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_contact_field'] = 'wv_contact_field'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_contact_form'] = 'wv_contact_form'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_contact_form_field'] = 'wv_contact_form_field'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_contact_form_grp'] = 'wv_contact_form_grp'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_contact_owner_name'] = 'wv_contact_owner_name'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_contact_region'] = 'wv_contact_region'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_contact_rel'] = 'wv_contact_rel'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_contact_rel_type'] = 'wv_contact_rel_type'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_contact_table_names'] = 'wv_contact_table_names'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_contact_text'] = 'wv_contact_text'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_contact_usr2owner'] = 'wv_contact_usr2owner'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_eav_attr'] = 'wv_eav_attr'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_eav_data'] = 'wv_eav_data'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_eav_elements'] = 'wv_eav_elements'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_eav_elements_groups'] = 'wv_eav_elements_groups'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_eav_idx'] = 'wv_eav_idx'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_eav_selectors'] = 'wv_eav_selectors'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_eav_validator'] = 'wv_eav_validator'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_eav_validator_attr'] = 'wv_eav_validator_attr'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_shop_cart'] = 'wv_shop_cart'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_shop_invoice'] = 'wv_shop_invoice'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_shop_invoice_lines'] = 'wv_shop_invoice_lines'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_shop_order'] = 'wv_shop_order'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_shop_order_lines'] = 'wv_shop_lines'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_shop_product_attr'] = 'wv_shop_product_attr'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_shop_product_data'] = 'wv_shop_product_data'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_shop_product_form'] = 'wv_shop_product_form'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_shop_product_idx'] = 'wv_shop_product_idx'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_shop_product_selectors'] = 'wv_shop_product_selectors'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_shop_product_validator'] = 'wv_shop_product_validator'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_shop_product_validator_attr'] = 'wv_shop_product_validator_attr'; //
//Redsys payment
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_payment_lang'] = 'wv_payment_lang'; //ISO to Redsys lang codes
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_payment_merchants'] = 'wv_payment_merchants'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_payment_notifications'] = 'wv_payment_notifications'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_payment_notifications_dump'] = 'wv_payment_notifications_dump'; //
$wv_conf['dbn']['db_payment_order'] = 'wv_payment_order'; //