WEBvivo generates all the necessary routes in relation to your installation (relative routes). These paths are assigned to 22 variables for use within projects to avoid the use of any absolute paths, allowing code migration between servers or directory changes to be seamless.

The paths indicated by the path objects are always full paths, so they can be used in file management functions without problems.

There are two types of routes, those of the WEBvivo library (WV) and those of the local project (WS), by "WebSite". All objects start with "dir" or "_dir", the first ones generate a path including the trailing slash.

For example, $wv->dirWSDoc indicates the project document path, including the final trailing slash, this would contain a value similar to this; /var/www/virtual/example.com/htdocs/, if $wv->_dirWSDoc is used the value would be /var/www/virtual/example.com/htdocs

The directory bars are generated with the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR constant, this would also allow their use on Windows platforms.

Objects with the routes

Paths pointing to the project:

$wv->dirWSCache: Local directory for cache pages (only in use if cache is active)
$wv->_dirWSCache: Same as the previous one without the trailing slash
$wv->dirWSConf: Local directory of configuration files (default"_conf")
$wv->_dirWSConf: Same as the previous one without the trailing slash
$wv->dirWSLib: Local library directory (project classes)
$wv->_dirWSLib: Same as the previous one without the trailing slash
$wv->dirWSDoc: Main directory of web documents (the directory that corresponds to the web root)
$wv->_dirWSDoc: Same as the previous one without the trailing slash
$wv->dirWSRoot: root directory of the installation, usually the parent directory of dirWSDoc
$wv->_dirWSRoot: Same as the previous one without the trailing slash
$wv->dirWSSkel: Directory containing the skeleton (template), by default "_skeleton"
$wv->_dirWSSkel: Same as the previous one without the trailing slash
$wv->dirWSTmp: Temporary project directory, used by some functions to write temporary data
$wv->_dirWSTmp: Same as the previous one without the trailing slash


Paths pointing to the WEBvivo library:

$wv->dirWV: Directory where WEBvivo is installed
$wv->_dirWV: Same as the previous one without the trailing slash
$wv->dirWVLib: Directory containing the libraries (classes and functions), of the WEBvivo
$wv->_dirWVLib: Same as the previous one without the trailing slash
$wv->dirWVPanel: Directory containing the WEBvivo management panels
$wv->_dirWVPanel: Same as the previous one without the trailing slash
$wv->dirWVBase: Directory containing the basic WEBvivo file templates such as login, logout, errors, Etc.
$wv->_dirWVBase: Same as the previous one without the trailing slash