 * Class methods
 * #############################################################################
 * chkQuality() - Validate image quality values
 * chkType() - Validate image type to supported values
 * getImageInfo() - Get image width, height, type, color dept (bits) and mime type
 * getImageSize() - If reference size supplied, calculate the needed width 
 *                  and height to keep image proportional. Else, return current 
 *                  image width and height.
 * getRemoteImageSize() - If reference size supplied, calculate the needed width 
 *                        and height to keep image proportional. Else, return 
 *                        current image width and height.
 * getImageType() - Get image type (jpg, png, webp, gif or bmp)
 * getImgTypeName() - Convert from php numeric type of image to image type name
 * imagecopymergealpha() - Patch to fix troubles with alpha channels with imagecopymerge
 * initImg() - Array values to initialize resize, watermark, show and save functions
 * init() - initIMG alias <-----------------------------------------------------
 * initBackup() - Copy all init vars to backup to use vars to new operations
 * initRestore() - Restore all init vars from backup to continue operatios
 * loadImg() - Load image file to resize and save or show
 * outImg() - Out loaded image resource
 * resampleImg() - Resize and resample image to a given width and height
 *             If there is not any valid value return as jpg
 * resizeImg() - Resize image to width, heigh, both or scale to a percentage
 * resize() - resizeImg() alias <-----------------------------------------------
 * saveImg() - Save loaded image to a given file
 * save() - saveImg() alias <---------------------------------------------------
 * scaleStamp() - Scale watermark stamp image
 * showImg() - Show loaded image to screen
 * show() - showImg() alias <---------------------------------------------------
 * addWatermark() - Add a centered watermark to image from png stamp
 * cropImg() - Crop image
 * rotateImg() - Rotate image
 * flipImg() - Flip image
 * pdfThumb() - Create a PDF thumbnail
 * renderText() - Generate a new image rendered with the input text
 * getExifInfo() - Get image Exif info using exiftool
 * getICCInfo() - Get image ICC profile info using exiftool
 * imagecreatefrombmp() - Return an image resource from BMP (not existing in PHP)

 * Init vars from conf array
 * image = Main image resource to work with
 * stamp = Stamp PNG image resource to generate watermarks
 * imagefile = Image file to generate (overwrite), the image resource
 * stampfile = Stamp PNG file to generate (overwrite), the stamp resource
 * filename = Output file name to save images
 * width = The width value to reescale images
 * height = The height value to reescale images
 * scale = The percent value to reescale images
 * pct = The transparency percent of stam to watermark images
 * stampps = Stamp percent size
 * stampos = Stamp position (ul, ur, center, ll, lr)
 * type = The php IMAGETYPE constant value of every type of image
 * quality = Quality compression of jpeg, webp and png images
 * debug = Set true to show debugging info
 * @param array $conf conf values to use with show, save, resize & watermark

$cnf['conf_param'] = 'conf_value';

//Resize image and save it

$conf['quality'] = 85; //Compression quality
$conf['pct'] = 60; //Transparency
$conf['imagefile'] = "/path/to/origin/image.jpg"; //origin image
$conf['width'] = 480; //Resize to 480px width
$conf['type'] = IMAGETYPE_JPEG; //Save as jpeg
$conf['filename'] = "/path/to/file/image.jpg"; //Target file name


//Add watermark

$conf['quality'] = 80; //Compression quality
$conf['stampps'] = 20; //Stamp percent size
$conf['stampos'] = 'center'; //stamp position (ul, ur, center, ll, lr)
$conf['pct'] = 40; //Transparency
$conf['stampfile'] = "/path/to/watermark.png"; //stamp image
$conf['imagefile'] = "/path/to/origin/image.jpg"; //origin image
$conf['width'] = 1024; //Resize to 1024px width
$conf['type'] = IMAGETYPE_JPEG; //Save as jpeg
$conf['filename'] = "/path/to/file/image.jpg"; //Target file name
