* Generate a select form using as options values from a db table.
* $sdata values related to select form:
* -------------------------------------
* name: Name of select form used also if "ref_value" is empty
* default: Selector default (selected) value.
* order: Data base order field, used to order selector field.
* By defaulr "ord" if empty. If "use_custom_order" is given as value
* the order or selector field will be done by "order_by" value.
* order_desc: Order by order field descending
* class: CSS Selector class, empty by default.
* Bootstrap default is: "form-control input-sm"
* style: Aditional CSS style to the selector.
* empty_ini: If "true", an empty option will be added as first selector
* value. Any text supplied but true will be used insted the
* blank character.
* empty_value: If "empty_ini" is created, a value can be supplied here.
* name_array: If selector name is supplied by an array, this field must be
* the name of this array and value must match "name" parameter.
* I.E. if form name is "myform" and it is suplied as:
* myarray['myform'], the value to this option must be "myarray"
* and "name" option value must be "myname".
* disable_err: True to return empty text on errors.
* get_text_value: If true, get the text value from framework text using
* name as keyword
* onchange: If true add the event onchange="this.form.submit()", if any
* other data is supplied, use it as parameter of onchange event.
* multiple: Generate a multiselect selector. If array name supplied, the
* selector name will be name[] to allow multiple values.
* multiple_na: Avoid to use array names in multiple selects
* id_ref: Generate a selector id with given value.
* select2: Generate javascript for select2 if true
* responsive: Válido sólo si select2 está activo. Añade un 100% width en JS.
* placeholder: Placeholder for the selector if using select2
* disabled: Create the selector disabled.
* readonly: Create a read only selector.
* required: Add required attribute to select if true
* selector_empty: Show this text if selector's data set is empty
* title: Select title
* tooltip: true to add data-toggle, bootstrap CSS & JS must be loaded
* placement: data-placement used in data-toggle, default top
* name_as_value: Use name as option value
* $sdata values related to MySQL data set:
* ----------------------------------------
* ref_field: Data base field to cross value with "ref_value", used to get
* selector values from a table with many selectors data.
* The default value can by set in framework conf as class "def" and
* key "selectors_ref_field". If all is empty, default is "ref".
* If value is "use_custom_where", a SQL where clause can
* be supplied in "ref_where".
* ref_value: Value to suppy to "ref_field", same as name if empty.
* This value must match with the reference value to get actual
* selector list of options from selector's data base table.
* ref_where: If selector list of values must be obtained with a complex
* where clause, it can be stated here, adding "use_custom_where"
* as "ref_field" value in configuration array.
* no_where: Select all fields of a database if true (no where sentence)
* select_list: Load only from a list of IDs like ('id1','id2','id3')
* select_not_in_list: Load all but a list of IDs like ('id1','id2','id3')
* order_by: If "use_custom_order" is supplied as value in "order" option
* you can supply a custom SQL order statement here.
* only_name: If true (or not empty), return only the name of given
* value, instead an entire selector.
* plain_text: Valid with "only_name" switch. Return a plain text with value
* if true. Else, return a readonly select with one value.
* field_name: Valid with "only_name" switch. This is the name of field
* that contains the data.
* value_name: Valid with "only_name" switch. This is the name of data
* to cross with $this->opt->field_name.
* sqland: Any sentence after WHERE and before ORDER, i.e. "AND lang = '$lang'"
* debug: true to activate debug output of MySQL query.
* $sdata alternative data set:
* ----------------------------
* mysql_off: Disable the MySQL data set and load alternative data.
* Data must be supplied in $dbdata as array or object.
* dataset_id: Field that contains the data set ID (option id)
* dataset_name: Field that contains the data set value (option name)
* Alternative data set must be an array or object with this format:
* (
* ['id'] => ['{id_value}']
* ['name'] => ['{name_value}']
* )
* MySQL database values to feed the select:
* -----------------------------------------
* $dbdata: Database table to get options for selectors. Must be supplied in
* JSON format or as array. If empty, value will be loaded from
* framework conf category "def" key "selectors_data" as JSON, ie:
* ["selectors","value","name"]. If not value given and no
* defaul found in conf, the method will return with error.
* Array must contain in this order:
* "table name","field value","field name"
* Alternative error messages option fields:
* -----------------------------------------
* txt_data_mut_be_array
* txt_name_must_be_supplied
* txt_json_dbdata_incorrect
* txt_table_not_found
* txt_value_field_not_found
* txt_name_field_not_found
* txt_selector_empty
* txt_invalid_data_set
* txt_only_name_incompatible_with_mysql_off
* @param array|string $sdata array or json with selector data:
* @param array|string $dbdata array or json with db data
* @return string|boolean Select form | false if empty db data
* default text keys: [name_must_be_supplied,selectors_data,
* json_dbdata_incorrect,table_not_found,value_field_not_found,
* name_field_not_found,selectors_ref_field,selectors_order_field,
* selector_empty]
Mensajes de error de la clase
Los mensajes de error se pueden reescribir, los valores por defectro son:
- txt_data_mut_be_array: Selector data must be an array
- txt_name_must_be_supplied: Name must be supplied
- txt_json_dbdata_incorrect: JSON db data is incorrect
- txt_table_not_found: Table not found
- txt_value_field_not_found: Value field not found
- txt_name_field_not_found: Name field not found
- txt_selector_empt: Selector is empty
- txt_invalid_data_set: If mysql_off active, you must supply a valid data set to $dbdata
- txt_only_name_incompatible_with_mysql_off: only_name is incompatible with mysql_off
Si se quieren obtener errores personalizados, se puede hacer de dos formas, cargando un nuevo valor antes de llamar a getSelect.
Por ejemplo, reescribiendo el valor de txt_table_not_found:
$wv->selectForm->default->txt_table_not_found = "Tabla no encontrada";
echo $wv->selectForm->getSelect($sdata,$dbdata);
Otra forma es añadiendo la clave de configuración "select_defaults" en conf_framework o antes de iniciar la clase. Por ejemplo:
$wv_conf['select_defaults']['txt_table_not_found'] = "Tabla no encontrada";
Ejemplo de uso con base de datos externa:
$datos = $wv->db->get_results("
SELECT * FROM $dbn->db_datos1
LEFT JOIN $dbn->db_datos2
ON $dbn->db_datos1.id1 = $dbn->db_datos2.id2 ");
$dbdata = [];
foreach ((object)$datos as $d) {
$dbdata[] = ['product_id'=>$d->id,'product_name'=>$d->name];
$sdata['mysql_off'] = true; //Desconecta el uso de MySQL
$sdata['name'] = "nombre";
$sdata['default'] = $default;
$sdata['empty_ini'] = "Elija uno";
$sdata['class'] = "form-control input-sm";
$sdata['id_ref'] = "fabricante";
$sdata['select2'] = true;
//Si los datos del selector no se llaman id y name
$sdata['dataset_id'] = "product_id"; //Por defecto id
$sdata['dataset_name'] = "product_name"; //Por defecto name
//Init classes
$wv->initClass(array('class_name' => 'selectForm','class_this' => true),1);
//Generate selector
$fabricante_selector = $wv->selectForm->getSelect($sdata,$dbdata);